I am not a clergy. I was out of the vehicle. And I look to the vehicle from the outside. I saw the fight, war and murder. Each felt he had been on the right path. Scuffles often make the vehicle never reached the terminal. I'm not asking you out if it's not your own desire. I could be wrong, there could be the right path. The possibility is always there.
You could see if I stood alone outside. I do not have a mass, I do not have a volunteer who is willing to die for me. I have so long considered to publish my work with great risk. I am like the ant who was among the herd of elephants. Sometimes I feel that my curiosity is a big curse for me. The words of Charles Corlton a bit more entertaining, "He who dies as a martyr, proving that he is not someone who is not honorable, and he was not a stupid person."
I spent a lot of time in my life among the great thoughts. My room looked more like a books warehouse than a place to sleep . Time outside my house is spent in the library and the internet. And I hope, the knowledge I learned so long able to contribute to the country that I love and the world.
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