Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sun Gods and Goddess of Asia
One sun was so hot for the desert community, but not for Chinese society. In the mythology of China, formerly a ten-sun in the sky. The world was so hot that nothing can grow. On earth as it is, not only life can not arise. The earth will be destroyed torn pull from all directions within ten gravity of the sun dance. Amazingly, according to this tale, a hero named Huo Yi archery nine other sun and leaving one. For some reason a pity given Huo Yi was later disebah Shen Yi as a god.
There is a kind of rebellion from our minds for a variety of stories about these gods. Some of us pointed them stupid, as when we ask about ourselves, we argue that our offerings beyond reason. Even in our grammar, there are words associated with the gods that we reject. I take the example of the word 'surya'. How often do we hear the phrase 'The Solar rises in the eastern horizon'. Yes. Surya is the name of the sun god Hindu religion. In southern China, across the Himalayas. there is a special ritual to worship the sun in the Hindu tradition. This ritual is called sandhyavandanam. In the town of Konark in India, a temple to worship Surya built and protected by UNESCO as a cultural reserve. We can see the majesty of architecture interspersed our sympathy for them.
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