But sometimes the sun is fascist. There the gods of the sun which recognizes one nation is better than other nations. Amaterasu from Japan is a type of god, or rather the goddess, who is so. For community Shinto, the sun is considered feminine and set heaven. He worshiped with offerings of rice and sake. The sun god as the supreme ruler of the universe is also the worship in Egypt. Can we imagine if Amaterasu bagaiamana reunited with Ra or Huitzilopolochtli of Aztec. Maybe there are actually three of the same thought. Or maybe there is a higher rate. Or maybe they were just written by the political authorities to show kekuasaaannya. The latter is very probably. Amaterasu is one reason for the two World wars in Asia Pacific and became a shield Huitzilopolochtli terrible dictator of Aztec kings.
Passing through vast plains of Siberia and the Black Sea countries is the dawn of science, Greece. The place where the intellectual revolt in the gods is full of fascinating mythology. Greek goddess of the moon is Selena. The name was later taken for chemical light meter, selenium. Partner is the sun god, Helios. The name is also used for the chemical element helium in the sun a lot. Selena position gradually replaced by Artemis, and Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon, was replaced by Diana. Selena is represented as a half moon, this is interesting when we see that the Arabs, wearing the crescent moon as a symbol of the god of the moon. Selena told to have 50 children by his marriage to women's human. Built temples to worship and Selena Luna is still in Greece and Rome.
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