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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sounds From The Moon

It turned out that the sound can not travel through space. Explosion noises spacecraft in the movie certainly does not match reality. We need a stronger peneriak. It turned out he was a barker, radio waves. By sending radio waves to the moon and waiting for the echo to come we can measure the distance of the earth to the moon. With this, we get the time 2.4 seconds. Very short. Does this mean the moon is close to us? Relative. 1 second radio waves traveled 300 thousand miles. This means that 360 thousand kilometers. Far greater than the distance of the ground to the cloud, where the gods lived.

Electromagnetic wave takes 8 minutes to reach the sun. Worshiped the sphere of ancient Egyptian society and become the only God by Amenhotep IV of the 18th dynasty of Egypt was in fact a giant magnet. Giant magnet that kept turning south from the north which therefore, extended its flames to interfere with radio broadcasts on the earth. Maybe if we knew this at the time of Ancient Egypt, we consider Aten, the God, very angry. Maybe we think if the sun was angry because we worship God more than him.

The sun is not the only god in the sky glow. Other stars were also similar. Not just ten, there are billions just in our galaxy alone. Just as every nation on earth had the sun god himself, on the planet Tau Bootis, which may have life, there may be people who worship the sun. And the sun is clearly different from the one we have. Not Ra, not Horus. But the other gods.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Solar Eclipse

For centuries, lunar eclipses have been associated with the gods of fighting. In Java, we hear stories of giant Rahu Kala infiltrate tirta heaven for eternity. By the time he almost got the water, the god Chandra (moon god) caught him. Vishnu who got the news immediately threw the giant with cakranya. Kala Rahu's head off but fell in tirta eternity, while his body fell to earth. As a result the head of Rahu Kala remain eternal life. Until now, the head of Rahu Kala continues to seek revenge on the moon. When the moon off guard, he'll eat it. That's when an eclipse occurs. This also explained to our ancestors, why the moon sometimes red eclipse. In fact the color of the moon really depends on the weather conditions on earth, not the blood of the god Chandra.

For the case of a solar eclipse, the mythology of China said that there was a dog that bites Khayangan sun. There is a tradition there to hit the rafters and pans when eclipse to ward off this dog. Malays eclipse ritual bath in the mortar and scared the babies will be affected by mental retardation. We sometimes pray when eclipse. A legacy of fear of our ignorance of natural phenomena.

As we stood at the base of the cliff, we can shout aloud to the cliff and find our voice back to us. We call it an echo. Our voices, we might find a friend who was hiding in a cave, reflected by a vertical wall. Distance from us to the cliffs can be measured if we know the speed of sound at that time. We stay to calculate when arriving back to our voices and split two to get the travel time to the cliff. Multiplied by the speed of sound gives us the distance to the cliff. The same method used in measuring the ocean floor, a search of fish or a submarine. More sensitive sonar. The way in which bats in search of prey. Could we also can measure the distance to the moon in this way?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eclipsing Moon

It is human nature if we expect something to happen. Sometimes we feel powerless against external factors that are too dominant. But we do not want to give up. Our last effort is to pray. Request hopefully on something that we think over everything. The story of the inhabitants of the same MADANG with us. Only we do not know whether the actions we pray only fantasy. We must be more advanced to know. But we've developed so far, following the spirit of Abraham, by removing the moon and the sun of our prayer focus to something intangible and can not be understood. Moreover, more advanced than this?

In elementary school we have in teaching that the moon is unusual heavenly bodies. He is the only natural satellite of the earth. We know that the human imagination to see the grandmother knitting nets into the moon. Geographical pattern of the surface of the moon, like a cloud, making our imagination. When switched his position if the earth to the moon, we still also be imagining something from continental distribution patterns and clouds. Perhaps we imagine a butterfly, a virgin or a caterpillar. We know much of the scientific efforts of scientists unravel the mysteries of the moon. They do not give up on the myth.

The discovery that the moon is the celestial bodies around the earth, gave an explanation of another phenomenon full of myth, solar eclipse. At the time we are given the primary explanation of the moon phases. And in the picture, we look at the full moon, the position of the moon lies between the earth and the sun. Similarly, during a lunar eclipse. I'm confused why can the same when the full moon eclipse and clearly different. Lunar eclipse happens when the full moon. But this explanation is not in elementary school science books. Then later we know that the moon's orbit is not exactly parallel to the earth's orbit. He tilted. At this side, the shadow of the earth is almost never appropriate to cover the moon. Sometimes above, sometimes below. Only when he was fit to cover the moon, the lunar eclipse occurs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cargo Cult

Some cultures in turn dominate others. Greek and Roman gods with the European influence. In modern times, the story of these gods is a series of interesting tales. We are interested to know. We are impressed with the story of love Selena, goddess of the moon, in Endymion only a shepherd. But we know these stories do not make sense and just imaginary people who lived 2000 years ago. 2000 Will the coming year, the stories that we believe right now will be ridiculed as a fantasy high level of people who live in the 21st century?

The story of the story of the worshipers in Madang container will probably make you impressed. Madang is a city on the coast of Papua New Guinea. People who live there is very primitive. In the 19th century, a fleet of cargo ships coming from Europe. Madang community thought they came from the sky and see if the sky is a giant warehouse store valuables. Ships coming from the end of the sea, as if out of the sky on the horizon, carrying goods. These items in divided into the European colonists. The natives thought that the first visitor, a Russian, was the god of the moon, because with a lantern on the beach at night. They then want all the items in the cargo. They stop their old beliefs and replace them with new rituals to ask for freight coming to them. This primitive folk abandoned fields and their cattle killed for God to feel sorry for them. Until now, they are still searching for the arrival of the cargo will be sent to them from a distance.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gods Colored History

Our history colored by gods. In Arabic there are so many gods and goddesses are worshiped different from Egypt, Japan and the Aztec, which is the highest god of the moon. Crescent symbolic gods are called by various names. Sin, Hubul, Humqah, al ilah, Hilal, Hubal, Ta'lab, Wadd. Every tribe has their own names for their god. For the Quraysh in Mecca, Hubal was the highest. They placed the statues on the Kaaba, handle hundreds of other statues in it. Islam and replace the position of these gods into one single God, Allah. Hubal traces, unfortunately, still remaining on Islamic symbols, the crescent moon. In addition, as the house of God to the Kaaba is also still often we hear.

Every continent, the system of celestial worship with the myths that accompany it evolved over time. Tracks were still made an impression. I can imagine our ancestors thought when I saw the sun moving from east to west as if riding something. In fact, the image of the sun god who drove the train in the sky or a sailboat can be found in the relics of ancient Egypt and Europe. This is also used to make us believe that the sun around the earth and the earth is the center of the universe. We also celebrate the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. This indicates that re-lengthening afternoon and when the snow slowly disappeared. We started getting back to farming and worry will starve in the winter began to disappear. We should be grateful that the sun has returned. In ancient Roman times, this festival is called the day of rebirth of the sun (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) and is celebrated on 25 December. Date later in the Christian, made the day Jesus was born.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Fascist Sun

But sometimes the sun is fascist. There the gods of the sun which recognizes one nation is better than other nations. Amaterasu from Japan is a type of god, or rather the goddess, who is so. For community Shinto, the sun is considered feminine and set heaven. He worshiped with offerings of rice and sake. The sun god as the supreme ruler of the universe is also the worship in Egypt. Can we imagine if Amaterasu bagaiamana reunited with Ra or Huitzilopolochtli of Aztec. Maybe there are actually three of the same thought. Or maybe there is a higher rate. Or maybe they were just written by the political authorities to show kekuasaaannya. The latter is very probably. Amaterasu is one reason for the two World wars in Asia Pacific and became a shield Huitzilopolochtli terrible dictator of Aztec kings.

Passing through vast plains of Siberia and the Black Sea countries is the dawn of science, Greece. The place where the intellectual revolt in the gods is full of fascinating mythology. Greek goddess of the moon is Selena. The name was later taken for chemical light meter, selenium. Partner is the sun god, Helios. The name is also used for the chemical element helium in the sun a lot. Selena position gradually replaced by Artemis, and Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon, was replaced by Diana. Selena is represented as a half moon, this is interesting when we see that the Arabs, wearing the crescent moon as a symbol of the god of the moon. Selena told to have 50 children by his marriage to women's human. Built temples to worship and Selena Luna is still in Greece and Rome.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sun Gods and Goddess of Asia

One sun was so hot for the desert community, but not for Chinese society. In the mythology of China, formerly a ten-sun in the sky. The world was so hot that nothing can grow. On earth as it is, not only life can not arise. The earth will be destroyed torn pull from all directions within ten gravity of the sun dance. Amazingly, according to this tale, a hero named Huo Yi archery nine other sun and leaving one. For some reason a pity given Huo Yi was later disebah Shen Yi as a god.

There is a kind of rebellion from our minds for a variety of stories about these gods. Some of us pointed them stupid, as when we ask about ourselves, we argue that our offerings beyond reason. Even in our grammar, there are words associated with the gods that we reject. I take the example of the word 'surya'. How often do we hear the phrase 'The Solar rises in the eastern horizon'. Yes. Surya is the name of the sun god Hindu religion. In southern China, across the Himalayas. there is a special ritual to worship the sun in the Hindu tradition. This ritual is called sandhyavandanam. In the town of Konark in India, a temple to worship Surya built and protected by UNESCO as a cultural reserve. We can see the majesty of architecture interspersed our sympathy for them.